Thursday, May 17, 2007

Catch Phrases

How many times do you say Seriously? Seriously? I mean it? I bet if you have ever seen one episode of Grey's Anatomy that word was re-established as your common Catch Phrase for all things exciting, surprising, stunning....etc. I believe I most often use it as Mere does, as a term of exasperation since I can't find a way to use 'supercalifragilistiexpialidocious' as Mary Poppins recommends.

Though I openly admit that I use it much more frequently since the shows birth 3 years ago, I still remember using the term through many occasions prior. Most revolve around my college job at Sheetz- a gas station/restaurant/all purpose stop!

Use 1- The 'Philadelphia' women forcing me to stand at the Lotto Machine for at least 45 minutes every Saturday afternoon. Those moments often created the Ally-McBeal flashes of me jumping over the counter to strangle each and every one of them until they had no numbers left to select, no more quick picks. This time- Seriously was a term of exasperation.

Use 2- 2:30am Bar Rush- The order screen goes from 2 orders to +75 and someone is shouting out at you that they have a special request for #34. My sister and I would look up, give the raised eyebrow (that we both rock at when angry- we get it from our mother) cold stare, and say 'Seriously?' The stupid drunks would be so stunned by this that they'd completely forget they had a request and just laugh their own obnoxiousness.

Use 3- The number one Seriously usage goes to 'gas pump sprayer.' We'll call her Jane. This time Jane was actually the one to use the word. She went through the process of starting the pump, but neglected to check and be sure the handle was not locked into position before lifting the handle (okay a mistake anyone could make). I glanced up from behind the food counter to see this fountain of Gasoline spraying from the pump. The look of horror and amazement on her face was priceless. Momentarily stunned, we watched. Realizing that I could do something-I hit the internal stop button. I ran out to be sure the woman was alright and start cleaning the gallons that had been sprayed all over the place. As I approached this wide-eyed; middle aged woman, she looked at me and said 'Seriously?' - Classic

Those are my top 3 pre-Grey's moments with the word.

There are so many words, phrases, expressions out there, that everyone thinks they originated them. Currently - I claim the phrase 'hello chicken' to be my own. Again, another Sheetz moment relived for years. This phrase is currently used by DC pals. Some in mockery and some as just a comical expression because they enjoyed hearing the story as I grumbled about its blatant reusage! Its only if they can say it in the silly voice that it really counts!

There are other phrases - Like calling everyone Paco- that I know must be used across the states. I can't remember if it was my sister or our pal Rob who used the term first and then spread it like wildfire. Rob stole 'what' (a low pitch, stunned, shocked, surprised version of the word) from a late night customer who didn't understand that we didn't have something available. We all used that one for months (i still do today). Its all about the memory chain!

The funniest part is that when people start copying you, not even necessarily copying, but say they start re-using the word- they find it in them to decide THEY invented it. Okay people, get real! I believe even in my country living days the word 'ghetto' went around until it pissed me off with its obscenity. Seriously, nothing is 'Ghetto' in PA until you reach Harrisburg, Lancaster, or Philly! I sent numerous peons to bathroom duty just because they said it as if they actually had a clue what in the world Ghetto really meant. Sorry people - Mt.Union does not count. We're not quite Lake Nonegro, Oregon (a term I heard from a friend once-I give props!) but we are more than a stones throw away from bars on the windows. Come check out the blocks surrounding my workplace- That's the Ghetto!

One day I accidentally said it myself, recognized that i was the biggest hypocrite on earth, and sent myself to bathroom duty!

Anyhow- tell me your favorite phrase (or favorite quote line from a movie) and we'll see if anyone else uses it too!!!


KiM said...

For reals?!?
Whatever (insert last name here)!
Keep it real!

I seem to pick up phrases from my roommate. For example, she says, "Alright," when she wants to end a phone conversation. She also uses the word "Dude, thanks dude, what's up dude?" frequently.

One of my favorites that I've heard you say is, "Go back to your country!" Especially when driving on the freeway.

Dani said...

DANG IT! That's a total Sari phrase- see-I'm a theif too , but i'm pretty sure i've always given her credit for that one pretty much every time it slips out. Its so perfect though! I think Whitney or Sari win for best 1 liners!!!