Okay, one thing that bothers me more than anything else right now....Schedule changes! Seriously people, my DVR is about to burst most nights as is. Now you go and change the nights on me? That's incredibly unfair. Its your fault that I'm being forced to give up at least 2 shows now. I guess 2 of 12 isn't too bad, right?
Fall television is in full swing. I have my:
- Heroes
- Pushing Daisies
- Grey's
- Bones
- One Tree Hill
- Private Practice
- Smallville
- Fringe
Feel guilty for watching so much trash:
- Gossip Girl
- 90210
- Prison Break
- Desperate Housewives
The newcomers to my playlist:
-The Unit
and honorable mentions go to all the others I just don't have enough time to watch, but will sneak in if possible.
This season is packed full of fantastic treats. I can't even begin down to list all of the positives about each show. That would just take too much time. However, in one word answers:
1. Best Plot - Heroes
- The world is going to destroy itself. Too many people with powers. Good turns bad. Bad turns good. Its all there. Blood, tricks, drama, romance, suspense! Love it!
2. Best Cast - Pushing Daisies
- Ahhhhh! The pie-maker needs to get over Chuck. Although I love that storyline- I love Olive even more. If not the pie-maker, someone else needs to come along for Olive. That girl needs some 'Touching.' I'm not so secretly praying that she gets more singing scenes as well. The underdeveloped Sound of Music throw back just barely dripped water in my dry mouth! Bring it Cheno!!!
3. Best Sets - Pushing Daisies
- Have you seen those things? Insanity!
4. Best Action Hero - Smallville
- Tom Welling as Superman. I cannot wait until the tights come about.
5. Hottest Guy- Smallville or Private Practice (although when Grey's has special dead-guy visits from Denny- they get #1)
- Tom Welling vs Taye Diggs - Okay, so on that comparison - its Tom. However, Taye has a special special place as well.
6. Hottest Girl - One Tree Hill - B. Davis is hot w/ bruises!
- Always looks good, always sassy, always Hot. Okay- so maybe Eva should be in the competition as well....
7. Dirtiest - Gossip Girl
- Kinda gross actually.
8. Show on which I want to see/hear people singing - Pushing Daisies (I know Private Practice has good ones too...but whatever -Cheno takes them all). See Above!
9. Slightly dull - Grey's ---- I pray you return to honor and glory in my #1 spot soon!
- I love MerDer, but seriously? Seriously- lets just have you get it on and be freakin' happy for once. I'm done with that part of the drama. and PUH-LEASE bring McKidd back! Yang needs to loosen up too!
10. A touch disappointing but still watching in hope that it gets even better - Fringe
- I'm not giving up on Pacey yet. Its growing on me!
11. Best Make-up - Private Practice.
- They ALL look good this year! California Glow I guess! Congrats to the make-up artists for their work...it can't be THAT easy.
Thoughts? Any other awesome show recommendations? Obviously I can squeeze them in somewhere......
Stageworthy: Best of Stage 2024
2 months ago
1 comment:
Hey! You are one busy girl. Are you not a fan of the Office?? That show cannot be left out! I too enjoy Private Practice, and a little Taye Diggs. He is one sexy man!
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