We finished the drive (while texing fun thoughts between cars - what did ppl do before cells?) and unloaded everything into the house.

Friday night kicked off with a little glow in the dark football. I think we missed the point just a little. The ball wasn't 'glowing' so much as it was just a little lighter than the sand. BUT, our team rocked. There were a few insane catches and fun trick plays. One such play belonged to yours truly and I'll admit that if we were to review the play (in daylight), I may have touched the ball to the ground just a smidge before snapping it into my arms and rolling mid air to make the snag! As dark settled upon us it became increasingly difficult to see the ball once it left the qb's hands until it was w/in feet of you. So basically props go to our qb's for placement.
Saturday is V-ball day. Though it is not my favorite or best sport -Duck brings out the desire to play. Our team -- B.M.M.S. (Bumm Super P, Bumm Kim, Bumm Dani, Bumm Mike) had a great run and a great time playing together.

The vball lasts all day and by the end you are exhausted. Luckily I was able to jet for a little while and remove a portion of the sand that was clinging. When we came back to pick up Kim and Merc we found this creation...

We had many fun times throughout the weekend - for a little more sport- Kim and I decided it would be fun to play a little bball. 'Fun' was right until I was paired with a S.W.G. (short white guy) who didn't know girls could play (let alone want to admit that I could easily kick his trash. He was also half of Wade's size, so though I hated losing, I laughed just a little inside each time Wade made him look like a tool! Next day we had a rematch and though I had a much better teammate, we still lost. Shocker. Merc made me look good in some pics though -

And even though we know its a little funny, Kim and I always need to have our matchy match time. Usually there are 3 of us in the JAM but since one ditched to get a wedding dress (good call M) AS much as we missed...it was still a good time.

(some things tried were not so successful)
The only thing I wish I had from our trip is the video of me beating up Ben for putting crabs in our bathroom. Seriously? And I don't mean a love tap. Maybe its better that I don't have the video... and now the summer officially is here and I'm more than excited for it.
Play Hard!