Tuesday, May 22, 2007

T-Shirts Rock!

Softball is in session! Kamikaze (the reigning Co-ed Champs) is back and with a new, more colorful, look! Thanks Mike for bringing out the new cotton t's. They are very nice (picture coming soon). I will admit that I am a sucker for uniforms, and I will miss our very real mesh jerseys! Something about looking official always makes me happy. However, the new lighter look is definitely a favorite. And as long as I keep my #10- Whatever Jersey is fine by me!

Along with new shirts came a very nice 24-11 victory as well as one of my own best hits.

We were all thrown off a little during the pregame when one of our more popular bats was deemed illegal - to wide for use. Hmm- maybe that's why we're so good! Kidding. Anyhow- it was a good night for change! First inning I had a beautiful push down the third base line (for those of you who don't know- I'm Left handed - that's quite a tough accomplishment for me). It was an easy triple, but I found myself being greedy and pushed it towards home. OOPS! Big mistake. I ended up getting out and twisting my ankle pretty bad. 3RBI's though! GO Dani!

I'm not sure who else did exactly what during the game offensively, but I would definitely like to give a few shout outs to the big moments. The Mahster- who literally ran onto the field, tossed her keys and phone in the dirt, walked up to the plate, and had a very nice base hit!!

Another offensive shout out goes to our female superstar, 9er- I get excited when I get nice hits, but watching this girl swing is like watching Michael Jordan shoot free throws. Perfection of form with a bit cockiness in the corner of the mouth.

On the male end of the stick- Stathis had a beautiful unloading of the bases. Paul was robbed by the kids playing soccer. Mike made some very nice hits, as is usual though- nice work! Newcomer to the team, Towers, also rocked it out.

They say Defense wins championships- if that's so, then we are well on our way to a repeat. Starting with the best pitcher- KKK's all around- even the big guy couldn't catch a hit. If by some chance they do manage to hit it, she's all over it like a cat on a ball of yarn. Pounce Baby! Of course, since that means she's usually on her knees that makes for some interesting catches at 1st base. I'm getting better at splitting and keeping my foot on the bag. Of course- with the ump we had last night- i had to jump on the bag a few times for him to believe I was actually standing on it. Not to brag, but there were some pretty fancy balancing acts on my part last night. Good thing my ankle wasn't hurting or anything (did you note the sarcasm?). Our infield rocks all around- from quick Whit thinking at second, superB's arm at short, and 9ers phenom- abilities at third- its tough to get all the way around! The outfield also made a name for itself last night- rarely a hit got past them!

Anyway- the season is young! Good times ahead! Until next time(which is Weds) I bid thee happy hitting!

One final note- The Fanikazes also represented in full force last night! You guys are the best and we love having you come watch! We do it all for you!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Okay, so i'm not the biggest music gu-ru but i do think i have pretty good taste in tunes. I've noticed over the recent months that my 'club/dance' mixes have grown - in fact maybe tripled in size.

I'll be the first one to say that Fergie did not strike me as an artist who would become one of my favorites. London Bridge really didn't do all that much for me other than make the shoulders bounce a little when it came on the radio. Fergalicious did test my rapid fire spelling abilities, but still not much of anything to convince me that I really liked her. Then, one morning as I was getting ready for work I turned on VH1 and MTV to have a little wake up music. To my surprise the Video for Glamorous grabbed me and I could not wait another minute to have the song to listen to over and over until I had mastered the Taco-Bell rap. I think i liked the flash backs to the 'pre big screen' days most.

What is your secret pleasure song? What hit gets stuck in your head - usually at the most inappropriate times? Sexy Back? I'm a Flirt? Candyman? What songs do you get busted listening to? Buttons? Let's hear it!!!!

Catch Phrases

How many times do you say Seriously? Seriously? I mean it? I bet if you have ever seen one episode of Grey's Anatomy that word was re-established as your common Catch Phrase for all things exciting, surprising, stunning....etc. I believe I most often use it as Mere does, as a term of exasperation since I can't find a way to use 'supercalifragilistiexpialidocious' as Mary Poppins recommends.

Though I openly admit that I use it much more frequently since the shows birth 3 years ago, I still remember using the term through many occasions prior. Most revolve around my college job at Sheetz- a gas station/restaurant/all purpose stop!

Use 1- The 'Philadelphia' women forcing me to stand at the Lotto Machine for at least 45 minutes every Saturday afternoon. Those moments often created the Ally-McBeal flashes of me jumping over the counter to strangle each and every one of them until they had no numbers left to select, no more quick picks. This time- Seriously was a term of exasperation.

Use 2- 2:30am Bar Rush- The order screen goes from 2 orders to +75 and someone is shouting out at you that they have a special request for #34. My sister and I would look up, give the raised eyebrow (that we both rock at when angry- we get it from our mother) cold stare, and say 'Seriously?' The stupid drunks would be so stunned by this that they'd completely forget they had a request and just laugh their own obnoxiousness.

Use 3- The number one Seriously usage goes to 'gas pump sprayer.' We'll call her Jane. This time Jane was actually the one to use the word. She went through the process of starting the pump, but neglected to check and be sure the handle was not locked into position before lifting the handle (okay a mistake anyone could make). I glanced up from behind the food counter to see this fountain of Gasoline spraying from the pump. The look of horror and amazement on her face was priceless. Momentarily stunned, we watched. Realizing that I could do something-I hit the internal stop button. I ran out to be sure the woman was alright and start cleaning the gallons that had been sprayed all over the place. As I approached this wide-eyed; middle aged woman, she looked at me and said 'Seriously?' - Classic

Those are my top 3 pre-Grey's moments with the word.

There are so many words, phrases, expressions out there, that everyone thinks they originated them. Currently - I claim the phrase 'hello chicken' to be my own. Again, another Sheetz moment relived for years. This phrase is currently used by DC pals. Some in mockery and some as just a comical expression because they enjoyed hearing the story as I grumbled about its blatant reusage! Its only if they can say it in the silly voice that it really counts!

There are other phrases - Like calling everyone Paco- that I know must be used across the states. I can't remember if it was my sister or our pal Rob who used the term first and then spread it like wildfire. Rob stole 'what' (a low pitch, stunned, shocked, surprised version of the word) from a late night customer who didn't understand that we didn't have something available. We all used that one for months (i still do today). Its all about the memory chain!

The funniest part is that when people start copying you, not even necessarily copying, but say they start re-using the word- they find it in them to decide THEY invented it. Okay people, get real! I believe even in my country living days the word 'ghetto' went around until it pissed me off with its obscenity. Seriously, nothing is 'Ghetto' in PA until you reach Harrisburg, Lancaster, or Philly! I sent numerous peons to bathroom duty just because they said it as if they actually had a clue what in the world Ghetto really meant. Sorry people - Mt.Union does not count. We're not quite Lake Nonegro, Oregon (a term I heard from a friend once-I give props!) but we are more than a stones throw away from bars on the windows. Come check out the blocks surrounding my workplace- That's the Ghetto!

One day I accidentally said it myself, recognized that i was the biggest hypocrite on earth, and sent myself to bathroom duty!

Anyhow- tell me your favorite phrase (or favorite quote line from a movie) and we'll see if anyone else uses it too!!!

6 months to live?

This installment has been spurred by a very enlightening conversation had with some pals last night:

If you were given 6 months to live- what would be the one bad thing you would do?

One response was to take everyone out to a bar and get smashed. -That one would be fun. However, too many reprocussions for those left behind. Can that be chalked up to compassionate service????

I personally choose to skip the 'time and all eternity' clause and elope with someone deemed a qualified partner. Its not about relationship at this point- its all about ....well you can figure it out!

You Tell Me!


It has come to my attention that even at the age of 26 (give or take a few years for those around me), there are still labels. Labels suggesting that you are an exclusive group, only willing to spend time doing things with others in the Clique. Wow, That's awesome!

Lets return to high school for a moment, shall we? What 'Clique' were you in? Who did you bond with, sit on the front lawn during lunch with, skip class?

In HS I was definitely the Cheerleader!

Just kidding- I was a jock! Maybe a bit too much of the jock. Come on! I was super shy and the only time I ever let loose was when I got the chance to kick the crap out of the other girls in school! Okay so by Sr. year, they made me play gym class games with the boys! Not just the average boys either- no, i got to play tennis with the quarterback, wall ball with the tight-end, lift weights with the wrestling team, play football, baseball, etc. etc. So Jock was my number 1 clique! Welcome to the world of the obvious! Anyhow- after that I was a free-ranger. I liked everyone (okay so there were the wierdos that i avoided- but who didn't avoid them other than the other wierdos who didn't have friends either). Basically, anyone I could have a real conversation with was in with me! Bandies were a stretch- there were the few cool ones that i loved to death. My sister was their idol, so they accepted my anti-musicianism in hopes that she'd talk to them becuase they were with me. Little did they know- she was way too cool for me too!

The Hesston crowd (they lived out at the lake) - always my closest pals came from there. Amy and Melissa- the best girls on earth! Of course- they lived in the exact opposite direction as I did - and in the country on a limited gasoline allowance - that was killer!

I liked the cheerleaders, I wasn't one of them by any means, but we got along splendidly! I loved when they cheered for me during games! Sometimes I did have dreams of strangling them, but that's a whole other blog! I wasn't a snob or preppy by any means, but i liked them and got along just fine. Okay, so some thought i was a snob, but that was mostly because I was too shy to really branch out and be me! Now, once you got to the 'smart' people- I was lost. I had great grades, but never put an ounce of effort into it. I also never took a class that was harder than I needed to take either! I'd say I'm smart, but smart in the way that knew I didn't want to study for hours on end! Thank heavens I have a pretty good brain naturally, cuz if it was up to motivation to get me through- I would have failed miserably. I didn't have the desire to understand their lingo, and they scared me with their constant notions of saving the planet (or taking it over as Milo always said).

Anyhow, High school was good times, but I would defintely have a few more things to say and do if I were to go back and do it again! I'd love to try that for a couple days!

Back to the present. What do you do for fun? I play sports, exercise, watch movies, eat food. Do you do any of the same? If so- I love you! You and I can be best pals if we have something fun to do together. That's how I meet people. Typically, sports bring out the people I gel with the most. Does that make me a member of a new Clique? Am I exclusive because I mostly hang out with people who like to do the same things as me? Because we go to diners at 1am after we finished playing hours of sports? Am I a clickster because I like to make fun t-shirts? I guess in a way I am. I don't pretend to want to do some of the things that other people do. That's why we don't hang! Do I invite the people who call and invite me to do the things? Yessirree! Do I stop inviting those who don't return the love? Yep! BUT- I know I also am constantly scanning the crowds for new fun faces! Sure, sometimes I strike out and pick someone 'not so similar' to invite to things, but that's okay. They go away fast enough! I believe I called myself an 'Inclusive-exclusive type!'

Just the other day in the VAN we rented on vacation, a conversation started about whether you think people recognize themselves (or their clique) when they see shows on TV (90210, One Tree Hill, Laguna Beach). That spawned some very interesting conversation. We learned that the Snob definitely sees herself, The Preppy sees herself but doesn't really want to admit it(come one- kids are cruel in high school-it happens), and well, the rest of us are pretty aware of at least what we weren't or something. I'm proud to say that I was not a cruel kid, but I'm pretty sure that my current attitude would place me somewhere between Lindsay Lohan being transformed to a mean girl and Veronica Mars' sarcastic mockery of 09'ers/ still dating them!

What makes it all the most irritating to me is that people actually have the nerve to call us out on this. They are begging to join us for things, yet mocking us as soon as we turn our back. I believe that was the 'bi+@#' clique in my high school which I wanted as little to do with then as I do now! Especially when you take a step back and see that Everyone else is a group of some sorts as well. Roommates, Movie watchers, Obsessed TV Fans, Ice Cream Lovers, They come in all shapes and sizes. Everybody's got their Something!

To my fellow clique members- I love you all, we'll be FRIENDS FOREVER! Keep Cool, and Never change! K.I.T. and Don't Steal My Boyfriend- okay so that one is a stretch-alls fair in Love, right Posh? Just don't mind if I make out with him when you're ON A BREAK!

Lazy Hazy Crazy Dayz of Summer

I love the beach!

I remember 4 years ago FRYING at Ocean City becuase I didn't understand how much spf really does help! The Lake Raystown sun never was that hot! 3 years ago, I had my first experience with Key West sun. I regrettably admit that I will one day likely die of skin cancer because I burnt a couple times before I figured out that even with 30 spf- you still get freakin' dark in that sun! Did you know that you can start tanning at 5pm and still get about 2 hours of good tanning glow there? Yeah, that's awesome for those who have to work when visiting Margaritaville!

Today, I believe I'm a Tanning Professional! Along with my tanning soul sister, we've tested and truly experienced the joys of tanning in Florida! How proud we are when we come back and kick the trash out of all those palies (pronounced pale-EEs) . Compliments are always accepted incredibly graciously (well, with a hint of cockiness) when even weeks after trips, we find our ways to hang on to as much of the color as possible. That would be WITHOUT FAKE BAKING, since a few of our pals have taken to the habit in order to keep up with us!

Hillsboro Mile is the new vacation spot of choice for me. When I dream of my happy place- its there! Its the private beach, the huge fish print towels, the clear blue/green water, and well- Mississippi Sweets (A restaurant located a couple miles down the street). It is there that I lose my fear of old people, my fear of what i look like in a suit (seriously- its a retirement community and the older gentlemen love us there please share in a moment of silence for my sugar daddy Sal who passed just this spring), and my fear of dying pale! I could leave this beautiful earth happy right now!!

If all works out- I hope to spend the majority of Summer 08' in Florida. That would be awesome!
What is your favorite leisure vacation ( i don't mean trapsing throughout Europe- that's too much like work). I want to know how you relax the most.