As a young girl ( and quite the little tomboy), my favorite memories are of the hot summer days in PA when the neighbor boys would come over to my house and play. Countless hours were spent in the pool making waves, being tossed like a rag doll, or playing 'whirlpool.' So much fun! When things cooled off a little, we'd get out the plastic bats, wiffle balls, and electric tape. What? You didn't know that taping the wiffle ball with electrical tape makes it fly 10x farther than the little white floating ball is supposed to do? We lost many a ball to what we called the highway- Rt. 22 (a 2 lane rd). Hey, there were a lot of trucks! They didn't stop for anything!
Anyhow, those days have long passed, but there is still something about swinging a bat at a slow moving white object that moves me. Is it the anticipation of getting on base? Or maybe its the fear of striking out (in slow pitch-you know you get mocked if that happens).

I have two teams to boast about in this blog. 1st, is my original team- Courseware Kamikaze. We once again made it to the championship game earlier in the summer. In the semi's we managed to steal a win from a team that had beaten us earlier in the season. We could not keep it fully together in the championship game, but we played well nonetheless. The other team just played a bit better. Overall it was a grand season.

1 team was not enough for us, so we made a 2nd. A team of friends! A team called Clique! Yep, you got it. We put together a team of friends (and added my coworkers Tiffanee and Keith and his Father Moe) who wanted to have a little fun. So we may be a little more competitive than we initially planned, but that's okay! We have a great time! Although, i do hate making substitutions. That's the hardest part of the whole thing.

Here is our super center fielder Keith at bat. HE is nothing short of my hero! This big guy doesn't miss anything out there! He also thinks he has jokes!

What's YOUR favorite number?

Its great to be lefty- all of your pictures have your number in them! And they don't see the face i make when I'm swinging! Yay! Of course after a few lessons from Fatkid, that elbow isn't waiving around so much!
I'll keep you posted as to the results of our playoffs. We are already into the semi's after a great game on Monday. Details to arrive shortly.
1 comment:
Ran into your blog and saw the softball photos. Awesomeness. Any chance you have a larger version of that Team Kamikaze photo to send me? Let me know if you would; you can get my e-mail address from Wendi. (I'd put it here but that invites mad spam.) Thanks! Hope you're doing great.
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