So- ultimate humiliation is mine at last! It's first time at bat w/ a new softball team, so there is of course the pressure to look good. They were already impressed enough that I don't 'throw like a girl,' Why couldn't I have been happy with that! Noooo, I had to go for broke. Should I tell you that this is Slow Pitch Softball on the Mall in DC??
Anyhow- I'm at bat, all jittery because of the circumstances. SWING- connect-ball goes just about NOWHERE! What is wrong with me? So, I run with all my might to first and thank the heavens they bobble it and I'm safe by a mile. The first baseman decides to throw to home, so i continue on to second. Sweet- I've got a double in the bag! GIRL(gotta hate that when another girl makes the 'GIRL' inference) catcher decides to throw it to mid center instead of the base, so excitement kicks in and I'm rounding second base heading towards third. About 1/3 of the way there, my legs suddenly decide they don't want to go to third, they'd rather camp out about halfway between and chat with the short stop. I have multiple excuses for this physical phenomenon, including that I forgot my cleats so court shoes don't grip as well (I won't admit that its probably just that i'm out of shape and haven't had a triple all year so that much sprinting was too much of a shock to the system).
Anyhow, Running, Stumbling, Short sequence when ALL of the body is horizontal, and THUNK, I'm on the ground about 4 steps shy of the plate. Everyone thinks I've slid into third so they are cheering. So when I jump up and run the last couple of steps-they finally realize it was an accident. HA HA HA! Oye! What a LOSER(hence the L for Love title)! yah well- I played it off and made the official safe/f-you all sign and had a good time laughing at myself and my bloody knees for the rest of the game.
I've come to find much amusement in this ordeal, however, I've been tempted to invent a much more exciting version (including a gun and my bare hands) of how my knee became a massive scar. Any suggestions?
Stageworthy: Best of Stage 2024
2 months ago
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