A dear friend made a list of birthday requests and one of the items was The Color Code, which i jumped on as my personal choice as a gift. I had this gift delivered to my work address (since apparently my house is invisible) and I began skimming through it once it arrived. I took the test to figure out my color code. The results were completely in favor of Blue and White was the closest runner-up, but it couldn't even see Blue's backside! I promptly decided i must order a copy of this book for myself. I continued reading to figure out exactly what this meant and if I thought there might be any truth to it (being a psych major- a little skepticism is necessary). I was shocked to find- it was dead on! Apparently, no matter how hard I try to deny it or ignore it- I am and always will be too damn emotional! I was excited to learn that this could be used to benefit me and that i might not ALWAYS be as much of a roller coaster as i apparently am currently! So basically - between this book, pms, and too much of a good thing- I'm in need of a break from interaction these days. Thankfully, the red in my life will still be there in a week or two to tell me how silly I'm being and I'll get over it!
What is your Color Code?
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