'Even when I'm old and gray, I won't be able to play it, but I'll still love the game.' - Michael Jordan
What a man! What a perfect quote! Though at 25 he was hitting his stride and I'm beginning my slide- I understand the feeling. Basketball has the strongest hold over anything in my life! Sadly, it is true. The game has been there when all else leaves me- my truest ally in life. From the fateful day freshman year when I claimed #23 as my own, I began to feel the power it wielded. The number changed me and even when the previously favorite and specially ordered #55 (which i wore in Jr High) arrived a few weeks into season, I couldn't part with my new precious.
Unfortunately, my shot was never as consistent as the number. Last night during our first playoff game- my shot left me for a while. Now before I make it sound THAT bad, I still had about 13 points. In MJ fashion I donned the 'keep shooting until you start making again thought process.' Sorry Team! The layups were easy and those little lefty chip shots fell, but that ever so special 3 point shot of mine decided to go MIA. This surprised me because pregame I hit about 8 of 10 in a row in a friendly match up against newfound hero and teammate Jocelyn Logan-Friend. I thought I was going to be on fire.
Apparently the snotty little wench who decided b-slapping me the entire game would mess me up was right. Fortunately, I got my chance to nail her late in the game on a loose ball play. She went to the floor after the ball and I found it absolutely necessary to jump on her with the WWF originated FLYING ELBOW(See mom- those saturday boys nights at the house watching ppv wrestling really did teach me something) I didn't even get called for a foul! How awesome is that? She stayed a good distance away for the rest of the game. Of all the plays in the game -that was the one my super pal (the one who spells her name Dani minus the d) who came to watch deemed to be my best for the evening.
At this time I give a huge shoutout to our fans who came because we really were tanking on the team play and didn't look up to par performance wise. At least it wasn't only my shot that was off the mark! Sorry to disappoint, but we came through on D with some spectacular blocks and interceptions.
Offensively, our power forwards carried us along with many many MANY 3 point plays and sweet shots. Did I mention Heather's magnetic personality that draws five girls to jump on her anytime she touches the ball? Good thing she's got the power butt to clear them away like a wiper clears water off of a windshield! We can't forget LT's special corner shots that are unstoppable or Stoney's cute little frog leaps that mysteriously keep her in the air for an extra second or two.
Anyhow, our team went on to win the game. The fire that burnt the bridge came from our feisty little 18yr old playa- hata! In a moment of genius, she decided we needed to trap the afore mentioned wench. I was all for it and the idea immediately spawned multiple turnovers which we capitalized on to get just out of the opponent's reach.
Good times for the Independents and we play the All Stars for the Championship in two weeks. YAHOO! Happy Turkey Week Break for us team-but you better get out and run a little or we'll die the first two times up that extra long court.
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