I'm late again- no time to write, no super creative thoughts to ramble on about, and no super adventures...I'm sure in no time- this will come back to me.
Regardless, there is always SYTYCD during lazy days of summer. Although, I wouldn't call my days Lazy, by any means.
So- jessica/out Comfort/still hangin' on AND at this point -Kherington/Out. Why did she get so teenage *itch last week? Her 2-step sucked and the other dance wasn't hot either. Imagine if she'd been in Jessica's shoes for weeks now--she'd be in tears and maybe suicidal by now. You've been the golden child...just don't get on Mia's bad side...she'll get you!
Mark SNUCK by this week...he should have gone, Gev should have stayed. I liked both of their 'Final' solos better than the 'dance for your life' solos. Regardless...the two best PARTNERS were in the bottom. I don't care how cut Will, Twitch, and Joshua are...they aren't great partners....Okay, Joshua is! I'm just venting!
I'm out for now!
Stageworthy: Best of Stage 2024
2 months ago
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