While I was watching (late) last night- I realized I had about 12 minutes to get in as many votes as possible. Top 16 dancers - hot stuff! Okay, so not all of them - just a few of my favorites. Here's my rundown in the quickest version possible! As always - if you want to see the clips- visit Tapeworthy (see link to the right) where they are all available.
Best Couple - Mark and Chelsie H. -Hip-Hop -

This is to me the equivalent of Season 2's Umbrella Hip-Hop with Ivison. I love how these two pull off so many different styles and are just the perfect couple together. Chelsie is the best at being a character among the females and Mark is just such a great performer! He is alive on that stage! I think his oddness just makes him ideal to match Chelsie's school girl perfectness!
2nd Favorite - Joshua and Katee - I've officially crossed over. I like Katee. I honestly feel badly for ever disliking her. SYTYCD screwed her personality in the beginning and she has been fantastic in every style so far! I love how she is pushing herself to be so good at everything. Joshua is just amazing! His cheeks for sure filled out the pants! I'm amazed by his all around abilities.

---They may never have to dance their solos ---
Least Favorite - Chelsea and Thayne -- sorry, I think they try hard. They are great contemporary dancers, but the quick-step is never good for anyone!Except Lacey and Kameron! Sadly- this is 3 weeks in a row that I'm not in love....please send someone home!
Also on the dog pile- Comfort and Chris. I thought Chris tried hard. Really hard. He's just so ....thick! I just don't think he's straight enough to be raw and not gay enough to just go for it! Comfort is pretty fantastic. Her solo will save her.
Who is going home: Chris/Thayne and Chelsea/Comfort
Other notes:
I still love Jessica. There's just something about her - and that seemed to have been noticed by Adam Shankman. I think she's fabulous but has lost all of her confidence by being trounced by everyone's love for her partner. Didn't anyone else notice that HE DROPPED HER ON HER SIDE in that drop spin? I do believe he is the #1 male dancer. He's just that crazy good. He looks good in every style and honestly- you can't say enough good about that guy. And - He's a gentleman! BUT what he doesn't do well is showcase his partner. I think its choreography partly- but I feel like he could really help Jessica along.It was much better tonight though. And her whole goofing off thing is only because she's nervous. You can tell. Who doesn't try to giggle when they think they are sucking it up!

Twitchington was hot again. If they aren't safe...my name isn't spelled with an i instead of a y. I love how great their personalities are together. Just too fun! I love that Kherington is now wearing frames!

Matt and Kourtni - I really liked their dance. It was different, but a ton of fun!!! I loved it. Matt is just too cute to me! I love his almost cartoon like features! Kourtni is growing on me. I feel like they are a great team! The new choreographer was way too out there w/ the hair---but I think she's going to be awesome for the show. I'd like to get to know her a little more before passing judgment.

Courtney and Gev - They look great together. I think they try to make Gev too much like Dominic but Gev is way way way cuter than Dom. He's a sweet guy and very very likeable. I adore Courtney! I think she's fantastic and can't wait for them to make the top 10 and then hopefully she'll stand out even more with slightly stronger men. I think Gev is doing awesome for what he is doing though, and I would kind of like to see him partner with Kherington! I think they would be cute and she could bring out his goofy side. They get an A for that performance! It just looked so hot!

I will continue to pray for Jessica that they don't get in the bottom...I still miss Rayven!
Final Note- Nigel was the worst looking of the judges...thank you Mary for making yourself somewhat better looking. I like the bedazzled look better than the stone ages.