Season 2 - the year of Ivison, had me hooked by a great group of performers. Season 3 was just as addicting, though I may have felt a little less connected to the contestants. Season 4 looks to hold me on the line with both the performances and the contestants. Last night the top 20 performed. USUALLY, there is a stand out front runner as well as a stand out bottom two! As of last night- I don't have a bottom two! I do have a few front runners for favorites- but honestly, they were all fantastic! I was stunned. I had actually hoped that a few would fall flat on their faces. I even thought the pairings were much more fair this year as well. There are no completely awful couples.
So here they are- my favorites:
Top girls-
Rayven -
Just fantastic! Love her personality. The ballerina brought the hip-hop! Can't wait for more!
Jessica -
I think she's the fun one this year, and will be fantastic when she leaves her hair down....the tango-not a cute look for her (two words: spray tan -Please!)
Kherington -
This girl is CUTE! I love that she is partnered with Twitch! The two happiest people on the show, together *sigh*
Least favorite -
Susie- okay she reminds me of a man but is an okay dancer
Katee - I still just don't love her. She was awesome with Jacob, but otherwise, just not my favorite.
The rest of the girls fade into the middle for me - so far!
Favorite Guys:
I'm sure he won't be the best at everything, but I sure hope he sticks around until the top 10. Dude is awesome, happy, fun, and a great partner. Have I mentioned I have a crush! I want to see him on the tour!
After this, its a tie between William and Thayne for likely to be the best. William is strong, hot, and contemporary (always good at everything) - Thayne reminds me of Benji (winner season 2) and I think he has the partnering ability (and hips) to make anything work.
Dark horse, but amazing - Joshua
He carried Katee in their hip-hop and will literally be the only reason the couple stays around. I just hope he can shine in other styles.
Honorable mentions: Jamie and Mark - both excellent in their own thing. I hope Jamie gets a west coast swing night and Mark for sure did Mia proud with his quirkiness.
Least favorite Dudes:
Gev - i think choreography may have hurt him, but also I just don't think he's that great. Tiny white guy (can you say DOM). - probably only safe because his solo will rock.
Chris - Definitely not a tree, but not really standing out either. Pack your bags- your solo will not keep you going!
Matt & Marquis....who are you and what dances did you do again? either of you could go and I wouldn't mind either!
Best Performances:
Chelsea & Mark - I think Mia did wonders with them!
Jessica & William - I think had the HARDEST dance of the night and were fantastic, mostly!
*special mention to Joshua- He was phenomenal. Also Rayven- You rocked as well! Your partners just didn't keep it up!
Worst Performances:
Matt & Kourtne - I just don't care about you two!
Courtney & Gev - sorry about your choreography - def. not your fault.
Prediction: Susie/Marquis, Courtney/Gev (NOOOO), Matt/Kourtne
Prediction: Susie/Marquis, Courtney/Gev (NOOOO), Matt/Kourtne
Want to see the performances? Check out my favorite tv blog to read - http://tapeworthy.blogspot.com/2008/06/so-you-think-you-can-dance-20-reasons.html
WHAT??? I didn't know you had a blog. I definitely need to start watching this season. I love this show!
I don't keep up all the time, but it seems as of late I've had more to talk about- plus i love sytycd, so i blog about that and my sports teams more than anything!
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